Add Coursing Implementation on KDS

Add Coursing Implementation on KDS


This document explains  – Add Coursing Implementation on KDS.

Here, the user will be able to use KDS coursing related to BO settings.


·         The system will have the provision to change or add the coursing on Back Office and this reflects KDS side

Implementation in Back Office:

Page Navigation: Log into My Store  >> Products/Item >> Coursing

In the Coursing screen, the user can add new coursing or edit the existing coursing. This coursing should related to Category

The user can edit the existing coursing. The coursing “Name” and “Priority” can be changed.

Than we should add this coursing to  any Category.

We can create new coursing by clicking the plus button and adding this newly created coursing for a selected category.

 POS Side of Coursing

On the POS side, we first select the category and then select any menu item. You can see the menu item below related to coursing. After adding the menu items then click the “Order” button and order reflects to KDS side.

PS: All KDS configurations should be done.

 On the KDS side, when we take order, the order will reflect on the KDS side with coursing.


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