Auto Gratuity

Auto Gratuity

Changes in the back office


·         The access Gratuity is already displayed in the POS section. [User Management >> Roles >> Click on any roles >> POS]


·         By default, this access will be in enable mode.


·         When this access is in enable mode, then the respective user can add or remove gratuity in the POS.


·         When this access is in disable mode, then the respective user cannot add or remove gratuity in the POS. Instead, will ask the user to provide a manager’s PIN.



·         A new option Auto Gratuity will be displayed in the Gratuity screen, when the user selects the option Fixed in the Apply To field. [Product/Items >> Gratuities]


·         By default, this option (Auto Gratuity) will be in disable mode.


·         On enabling this option, the user will be allowed to provide the Auto gratuity seat count to which the auto gratuity will be applied in the POS.



Changes in the POS

Order Screen

·         When the user adds the seats, and if the count of the seat is greater than or equal to the Auto gratuity seat count value in the Gratuity screen, then a confirmation message saying, “Do you want to apply Auto gratuity?” will be displayed with Yes and No options.


o   When the user clicks on the No option, then the auto gratuity will not be applied. But the user will be allowed to add seats.


o   When the user clicks on the Yes option, then the Gratuity will be displayed in the ‘Order Summary’ and it is calculated based on the percentage configured in the back office.


For example,

Back Office:

Auto Gratuity – Enabled

Min. number of guests – 5



When the user adds 5th seat, message saying, “Do you want to apply Auto gratuity?” will be displayed.



·         If multiple auto gratuity is enabled in the back office, then when clicked on the Yes option in the confirmation message (Do you want to apply Auto gratuity?), Add Gratuity pop-up will be displayed.


o   The “Add Gratuity” pop-up will be displayed with the multiple auto-gratuity options.


o   The user can select any one of the options.


o   Based on the selection, the gratuity percentage will be calculated.







The Auto gratuity will be added automatically to the check, based on the number of seats added.


·         To add Gratuity manually, the user will navigate to the Check Options >> Gratuity.


·         When the access “Gratuity” is enabled in the back office, then only the user can add Gratuity to a check.


·         When the access “Gratuity” is disabled in the back office, then the user will be prompted to provide the manager’s PIN on selecting the gratuity option. On providing valid PIN, the gratuity will be added.



·         When the user tries to delete the gratuity (auto-gratuity or manual gratuity), the application will verify the user access.


·         When the access “Gratuity” is enabled in the back office, then only the user can remove Gratuity to a check.


·         When the access “Gratuity” is disabled in the back office, then the user will be prompted to provide a manager’s PIN on selecting the gratuity option. On providing valid PIN, the gratuity will be removed.


·         When auto-gratuity is applied, and the user reduces the number of seats, the application will verify the number of seats available.

a)       If the count of the seat is greater than or equal to the Min. number of guests, then the gratuity will not be removed.

b)      If the count of the seat is less than the Min. number of guests, then the gratuity will be removed.

·         When auto-gratuity is applied, and the user splits the check, then the gratuity will not be removed.

For example,

When a check contains 5 seats and auto gratuity is applied.

Now when the user splits the check into 2. In which one check contains 2 seats, and another contains 3.

The applied auto gratuity will not be removed.

·         If auto gratuity is applied for 2 checks and the user merges both the check, the gratuity will not be removed.


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