Back Office: Kitchen Printer Hardware Settings

Back Office: Kitchen Printer Hardware Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Hardware click Kitchen Printers.
    1. To Edit an existing Kitchen Printer, click the Pencil. To Delete it, click the Trash Can.

  4. The Kitchen Printers settings page is broken down by the Printers and Settings tabs.

The Printers tab contains information about Kitchen Printers that are currently part of your network, as well as the option to set up new Kitchen Printers.
  1. To create a new Kitchen Printer, click + New Kitchen Printer.

  2. Select the Printer Type (PrinterKDSDriver).

    1. Printer
      1. Select the Printer Model from the dropdown.
      2. Enter the Name and IP Address of the printer.

      3. Enable Service Type Restrictions – If YES, select the Service Types allowed to access the Kitchen Printer. Click Show All to reveal all the available Service Types.

      4. Apply to All Categories – If YES, select whether to Apply to All Menu Items.

      5. Alternate Printer – If YES, select the Alternate Kitchen Printer.

      6. Once all selections have been made, click Save.

    2. KDS
      1. Enter the Name and IP Address of the Kitchen Display Screen.

      2. Expo Device – If YES, enter the:
        1. Expo Printer IP Address
        2. Queue Device IP Address

      3. Enable Service Type Restriction – If YES, select:
        1. What Service Types are allowed to access the Kitchen Display Screen. Click Show All to reveal all the available Service Types.
        2. Whether or not you want to Print ToGo Items (at the bottom, below Apply To All…).

      4. Apply to all Categories – If YES, then select whether to Apply to all menu items.

      5.  Once all selections have been made, click Save.

    3. Driver
      Configuring this allows the Kitchen Printer to print Driver Receipts.
      1. Select the Printer Model from the dropdown.
      2. Enter the Name and IP Address of the printer.

      3. Enable Service Type Restriction – If YES, select:
        1. What Service Types are allowed to access the Kitchen Printer.
        2. Whether or not you want to Print ToGo Items (at the bottom, below Apply To All…).

      4. Apply to all Categories – If YES, then select whether to Apply to all menu items.

      5. Alternate Printer – If YES, select the Alternate Kitchen Printer that will be used if the one currently being added isn't available.

      6. Once all selections have been made, click Save.

The Settings tab is for updating the settings of all Kitchen Printers.

Select whether any of the following will apply when printing to the kitchen:
  1. Seat Ordering Override - Ticket will be sent to the Kitchen Printer and sorted as part of order processing.

  2. Print Voided Items to the Kitchen - Voided items will also be sent to the Kitchen Printer.

  3. Print Included Modifier In Kitchen - Included Modifiers will be printed with Menu Items.
    1. If YES, then select whether print the Included Modifier For Alternate Modifier - The included modifier of alternate modifier will be printed.

  4. Serving Size in Front of Menu - Serving size will be shown in front of the menu.

  5. If any settings have been updated, click Update at the upper-right. If no updates have been made, then the button will be greyed out and won't be clickable.

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