Back Office: Kitchen Printer Receipt Template Settings

Back Office: Kitchen Printer Receipt Template Settings

Configure what you would like to Print on the Kitchen Chit.

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Printer Templates click Kitchen Printer Templates.

  4. The Kitchen Printer Template page contains multiple customization options, along with a Template Preview:

  5. Font Size

    1. Small (Default), Medium or Large. The size selection will be instantly reflected in the Template Preview on the right-side of the page.
    1. For Medium, you have the option to select a Font Style from the dropdown (Normal2 HeightSans-Serif).

  6. Store & Check Details

    1. Store Name – if selected, will appear centered at the very top of the receipt.
    2. Check Number – if selected, select the Position (Inline or Title).

    3. Service Type – if selected, select the Position (Inline or Title).

    4. Table NamePrinter NameServer Name – The Name (or Number) of the customer’s table, the name of the Printer where the receipt was printed from, and the Server’s name.

    5. Print Date & Time – The Date and Time the Receipt was printed.

    6. CustomerPickUp Date & Time – The Customer’s Name, and the Date Time the Customer expects to pick up the Order.

  7. Order & Item Summary

    1. Split By Course – Organizes the receipt items by established Courses.
    2. Menu Price – Adds the Price column with $ values.
    3. Quantity – Adds the Quantity (Qty) column with numerical values – it can appear before or after the item name.

    4. Modifier PrintShort FormHorizontal View – Adds any Modifier information.

    5. Other language Menu Name – Displays item names in a designated foreign language.

    6. Consolidate / Split Menu – Choose whether to display a menu as consolidated with like items or to split out individual items.

    7. Enable Item – Produces a section below Order Summary that organizes Order Items by each Seat at the Table.

  8. Customer Info
    1. Select where to present the store’s contact information – Top or Bottom of the Check.
    2. Choose whether to include the AddressEmail, and the Phone Number. Any Customer Notes will appear under the Driver Receipt section.

  9. Driver Receipt Options

    1. Enable Driver Receipt – If YES, this section appears below Order / Item Summary.
    2. Select the No. (Number) of Copies to include for the driver when printing the receipt.
    3. Choose whether to include the Total, an option for Tip, a Signature line and Balance Due.
    4. Remember: Any Customer Notes will appear in this section.

  10. Additional Details

    1. Select whether to Cut Paper After Each Print.
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