Back Office: Label Printer Hardware Settings

Back Office: Label Printer Hardware Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Hardware click Label Printers. The Label Printers page appears.

  4. To add a new Label Printer, click + New Label Printer. The New Label Printer page appears.
    1. To Update an existing Label Printer, click the printer’s corresponding pencil icon under the Actions column. The Update Label Printer page appears.

    2. To Delete an existing Label Printer, click the printer’s corresponding trash can icon under the Actions column.
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  5. On the New/Update Label Printer pane, select Kitchen or Box Label.
    1. The below steps will be the same regardless of selection.

  6. Select the Printer Model from the dropdown.

    1. Enter the Name and IP Address of the Printer.

    2. Alternate Printers – If you'd like to assign an alternate printer for if this current printer will be unavailable, select YES then select the Alternate Printer from the dropdown.

    3. Enable Service Type Restriction – If YES, select what Service Types won’t be able to print the Kitchen Label. Click Show All to display all the Service Type options.

    4. Apply to all Categories – If YES, then select whether to Apply to all menu items within a Category.

  7. When all selections have been made, click Save (or Update for an existing Label Printer)You’re returned to the main Label Printers settings page where the ‘Label Printer Saved/Updated Successfully’ confirmation message appears at the upper right. If a new Label Printer was created, it will appear as a new row in the table.

    1. To delete an existing Label Printer: click the corresponding trash can icon  and the Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete to confirm removal of the Label Printer from your network.

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