Back Office: Label Printer Template Settings

Back Office: Label Printer Template Settings

Customize what Prints on Labels

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Printer Templates click Label Templates.

  4. On the Label Template screen are the Template options, along with a Preview.

    1. Epson Box Label Template

      1. Select the Template from the dropdown (12, or 3).

      2. Select the Label Size (Width and Height [inches]).

      3. Select whether to Enable Autocut.

      4. Click Font Options to reveal the font customization options.
        2 width – Extra     Space     Between     Values
        Emphasis – Bolds the text
         – Smaller text

        1. Check & Date – Select one of Normal2 widthEmphasisElite.
        2. Menu Item Name – Select one of Normal2 widthEmphasis.
        3. Customer – Normal is the only option.
        4. Business Name – Select one of Normal2 widthEmphasisElite.
        5. Modifiers – Select one of Normal2 widthEmphasis.

      5. When finished, click Save.

    2. Zebra Box Label Template

      1. Select the Template from the dropdown (12, or 3).
      2. Select the Label Size (Width and Height [inches]).
      3. Select whether to Enable Autocut.

      4. Click Check Details to configure how the Check will appear on the Label.
        1. Click any of the following check boxes to display them on the label: Business NameCheck NumberDate & TimeMenu Item NumberServer NameOrder TypePay Status.
        2. Select from the dropdowns for how you want the text to appear: Business NameOrder Type & Pay StatusCheck Details.
          1. Options are: SmallSmall-BoldNormalNormal-BoldLargeLarge-Bold.

        3. Click either of the check boxes to separate them by a line of dashes: Check DetailsOrder Type & Pay Status.

      5. Click Menu Item Info to configure how the Menu Items will appear on the label.
        1. Click any of the following check boxes to display them on the label: Menu Item NameMenu Item Serving SizeModifiersItem Notes.
        2. Select from the dropdowns for how you want the text to appear: Item Name & Serving SizeModifiers & Notes.
          1. Options are: SmallSmall-BoldNormalNormal-BoldLargeLarge-Bold.
        3. Click the Bottom Divider check box to establish a dotted line below the Menu Items.

      6. Click Customer Info to configure how the Customer’s Info will appear on the label.
        1. Select the checkboxes of what info you would like to display: Customer NameCustomer AddressDelivery Notes, and Phone Number.
        2. Select the Font Options for Customer Name and Customer Details.
        3. Click the Right Divider checkbox to establish a dotted line below the Customer Info section.

      7. Click Order Summary to configure how the Order charges will appear on the label.
        1. Select the checkboxes of what info you would like to display: Sub Total, Discounts, Delivery Fee, Tax, Tip, Total, and Balance Due.
        2. Select the Font Options for Order Summary and Balance Due.

      8. When finished, click Save.

    3. Kitchen Box Label Template

      1. Enter the Width and Height of the Label (in inches). Enter the number or use ▼ and ▲.
      2. Click the Enable Autocut checkbox to automatically cut the paper after printing the receipt.

      3. Click Check Details.
        1. Select the checkboxes of what info you would like to display: Date & TimeOrder NumberOrder TypeSale NumberCustomer Name.
        2. Select from the Check Details dropdown, how you want the info text to be displayed.
        3. Click the Bottom Divider checkbox to separate the Check Details section.

      4. Click Menu Item Info.
        1. Select the Font Options for Item Name and Modifiers (how you want the text to be displayed).
        2. Click the Menu Item Name Bottom Divider checkbox to separate the Menu Item and Modifiers.

      5. When finished, click Save.

    4. SKU Code Label Template

      1. Select the type of Template (Inventory Label or Shelf Label).
      2. Enter the Width and Height of the Label (in inches). Enter the number or use ▼ and ▲.

      3. Click Check Details.
        1. Select whether to include the Store Name and SKU Number.
          1. Note: Item NamePrice and Barcode are locked to always appearing.
        2. Select the Font Options of how you want the Check Details fields to appear: Store NameSKU NumberItem NameBarcode, and Price.
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