Back Office: Receipt Printer Hardware Settings

Back Office: Receipt Printer Hardware Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Hardware click Receipt Printers.

  4. The Receipt Printers settings page is broken down by the Printers and Settings tabs.

The Printers tab contains information about Receipt Printers that are currently part of your network, as well as the option to set up new Receipt Printers.

  1. Click + New Receipt Printer to create a new Receipt Printer (or click the corresponding pencil icon  to edit an existin one).

    1. To Delete an existing Receipt Printer, under the Actions column click the Trash Can icon . The Delete pop-up appears, then click Delete to confirm deletion of the Receipt Printer.

  2. On the New / Update Receipt Printer pane that appears:

    1. Enter the Name (mandatory) of the Printer.

    2. Enter the printer’s IP Address (mandatory), which can be found when the printer is connected via an Ethernet cable.

    3. Select the Printer Model from the dropdown.

    4. Select whether this printer should be set as the Default.
      1. Note: There can only be one Default printer at a time. If a printer is toggled YES as the Default (then saved), it will override whatever other Receipt Printer was previously the Default. If a Receipt Printer is currently the Default but then the Default toggle is set to NO, there will no longer be an assigned Default Receipt Printer.

  3. When ready, click Save (or Update). You are returned to the main Receipt Printers settings screen, with the 'Receipt Printer Saved / Updated Successfully' confirmation message appearing.
    1. Note: If a Receipt Printer has been created, it will appear as a row on the table.

The Settings tab is for updating the settings of all Receipt Printers.

Select whether any of the following will apply when printing receipts:
  1. Auto Print Receipt – Automatically prints a Receipt (if digital Receipt screen is not enabled).
  2. Show CC Receipt Screen – Displays a screen of the Credit Card screen.
  3. Print CC Customer Copy – Automatically prints a copy of the Credit Card Receipt for the customer.
  4. Show Digital Receipt Screen – Displays after Payment is made on POS.
  5. Show Digital Receipt in CDS – Allows for customer to select the Digital Receipt option on the Customer Display Screen (CDS).

  6. Show Signature Pad – Enables providing digital signature from customer.
  7. Print CC Merchant Copy – Automatically prints a Merchant copy of the Credit Card Receipt.
  8. Remove Tip Line – Removes the option to tip on all Receipts.
  9. Enable Itemized Receipt – Automatically prints Receipt in itemized form.

  10. If any updates have been made, click Update at the upper-right to confirm. The update(s) will be applied, and the 'Receipt Printer Settings Updated Successfully' confirmation will appear just over the Update button.
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