Build Version 2.1.23 (1.1) - Release Notes

Build Version 2.1.23 (1.1) - Release Notes

Release Date: 6-29-2020

Release Version: 2.1.23 (1.1)



·         Parent Modifier

-        A field has been added to the Mandatory Modifiers screen for Parent Modifiers

-        The application will take the user to the Modifier Group, of the related to the Parent Modifier



§  Menu item is Black Tea

§  Modifier Group is Temperature defined as parent modifier

§  Temperature Modifier Group contains the following modifiers:

o   Cold

o   Frap

o   Hot

-        The Modifier Cold can be configured as the Parent Modifier of another Modifier Group – example Ice

-        Modifier Group Ice contains the following Modifiers

§  With Ice

§  No Ice

-        Cold will be the Parent Modifier assigned for the Modifiers - With Ice and No Ice

-        The Modifiers With Ice and No Ice will be the Child Modifier

-        The Modifiers With Ice and No Ice can also be configured as Parent Modifier for another Modifier Group.



§  Consider the Modifier Group Milk

§  The Modifiers are:

o   With Milk

o   No Milk

o   Soja Milk

-        The Modifiers Cold, Hot, With Ice, and No Ice will remain as the Parent Modifier for the Child Modifiers With Milk, No Milk and Soja Milk.

PLEASE NOTE: The minimum quantity and the maximum quantity can still be set from 0 to 99


·         Viewing the Parent Modifiers on the POS:

-        Select the Menu Item Black Tea

-        Select the Modifiers from the Respective Groups as shown below

§  Modifier Group = Temperature

§  Modifiers = Cold, Frap, Hot



§  When the user clicks the Parent Modifier Cold - the Modifier Group Ice will be displayed


§  When the user clicks the Parent Modifier Hot - the Modifier Group Milk will be displayed

·         Tip Option is Updated with a New UI Design for Online Ordering

-        Dynamic Tips will now show below the subtotal display

·         Gallon Scale Type

-        The Gallon option has been added to the Scale

·         POS Online Status Refresh

-        The system will automatically sync with it comes back online


·         Online Ordering Sync with POS Sync

-        Back Office Changes will be pushed automatically to Online Ordering when Publishing the to the POS


·         Pending Checks pushed to Batch Screen

-        Any Pending checks will be Pushed to the Batch Submit screen to Close the Day


·         Closed Check Information in Sale Summary

-        A new column Closed On has been added to show the POS node from which the check is closed

·         Preparation Time in Import/Export

-        The Item Preparation Time is now included in the menu item creation field of the import/export tool

-        Screenshot:

·         Discount Report Enhancements

-        A new filter type Discount Applied By was added in the Report Type Dropdown Filter

-        This filter allows the user to sort their report by the employee who applied the discount

Bug Fixes:

·         FIXED - Adjust Inventory Reasons not copying from one store to another

·         FIXED - Cannot edit the default tax

·                   -        FIXED - Enterprise category report issue

·         FIXED - Enterprise Subcategory report issue

·         FIXED - Error on editing the retail product

·         FIXED - Future order not sending to the kitchen printer

·         FIXED - Inventory item history and menu item sales report mismatch

·         FIXED - Inventory Sync Issues

·         FIXED - Modifier price not included in the net sales

·         FIXED - Online order closed check reprint is not printing the driver tip

·         FIXED - Online order website failed to auto refresh the page to place order

·         FIXED - Online order website failed to auto refresh the page to place order

·         FIXED - Online Ordering Cart refresh

·         FIXED - Online payment checks showing active status in future order with balance amount

·         FIXED - Open Check Discount is not getting applied

·         FIXED - Opening balance value is not showing in BO Cashier-out report

·         FIXED - The tender name (Talabat cash) mismatch in reprint of receipt

·         FIXED - The upcharge employee role access 

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