Build Version 2.1.18 (1.2) - Release Notes

Build Version 2.1.18 (1.2) - Release Notes

Release Date: 7-20-2019

Release Version: 2.1.18 (1.2)




·         86 List:

-        The 86 List feature will allow the user to track the quantity of specific items in

-        When the count of a menu item is properly set up, the employee will be notified by a quantity number in the top right corner of the item

-        When the item amount is zero the system will notify the customer with a message that the quantity is too low to sell this item

-        Settings Up 86 List:

§ Log into the Back Office

§ Navigate to Products/Items

§ Click Products/ Items again

§ Select an Item

§ Toggle on the 86 List option

-        How to Adjust 86 List Number:

§ Log into POS Operations

§ Click 86 List

§ Adjust Numbers as needed

·         All number will adjust in real time, no saving needed


·         Side CC Report Name Change

-        Previously the Sale Recap report would show the Side CC payment as Side CC - <Card Type>

-        Now, the Side CC payment will be displayed as <Side CC payment name> - <Card Type>


·         Default Tax for Open Modifiers

-        By Default, when adding an open modifier during sale in the POS, the default tax will be selected

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