Build Version 2.1.17 - Release Notes

Build Version 2.1.17 - Release Notes



  1. Dual Cash Drawer
    1. Cloud POS support dual cash drawers for one printer. This will allow the ability to assign each till for specific employees.
    2. Reference: Dual Cash Drawer
  1. Tax per Service Type
    1. We are going to introduce a new feature Tax per Service Type so that the taxes will be applied to a check based on the service type.
    2. For example, State Tax 6% is available for the Bar and QSR but can exempt tax for Delivery, To go and Pick up (For Here).
    3. Reference: Tax per Service Type
  2. Force punch in without punch out
    1. Currently, in the back office the user will be unable to submit the Forced Punch-In/Out without providing both Check-in and Check-out details.
    2. Now, the user can submit the screen without providing the Check-out _me for the current business date.
    3. Reference: Enhancement in Forced Punch In
  3. Future Order store in Back Office and show in all iPad, Batch screen
    1. Reference: Future Order
  4. Non-taxable Net sales in Sales Recap
    1. A new detail "Non-taxable Net Sales" is displayed in the Sales Recap and Cashier Out reports.
    2. Non-taxable Net Sales will display the total net sales for which the tax is exempted.
  5. Name of a server on the top of cashier out report
    1. While generating the Cashier Out report in the back office and taken the print, the employee name will be displayed for easy identification.
  6. ‘Support’ tab for download in Opera_on screen
    1. A new navigation Support will be displayed on the Operations screen in iPad. [Operations >> Support]
    2. The user will click on the option “Download”.
    3. On clicking the “Download” option, the user will be navigated to the “Download App Store” URL
  7. Support Tool in admin
    1. Support Tool will help Cloud Support Team to handle customer issues more quickly an efficiently.
    2. Support tools available are Move Sales to Other Date, Menu Deletion Tool, Gift Card Import Tool
    3. Reference: Support Tools
  8. IOT Free Wifi with Mesh 
    1. Using the IOT > Free Wifi we can get the customer’s information while they access the internet from stores. These customer details can be used in the future reference. With the help of
    2. Mesh Integration, we can provide free Wi-Fi access.
    3. Reference: IOT WiFi Configuration (Mesh)
  9. Bug Fixes
    1. The following customer tickets has been fixed :
      1. 39232
      2. 39020
      3. 38260
      4. 38398
      5. 38366
      6. 35850
      7. 39694
      8. 38740
  10. Note:
  11. If any changes are made in the back office, then make sure to click on the option Sync with back office in the iPad.



Cloud POS support dual cash drawers for one printer. This will allow the ability to assign each til for specific employees.

Changes in the iPad

  1. POS Settings
    1. An option Enable Dual Cash Drawer will be displayed.
    2. By default, this option will be in disable mode.
    3. The user can enable the option later.
  2. Set Till
    1. When the option Enable Dual Cash drawer is enabled in the POS Settings,
      1. When the user tries to create the till, an option will be asked to choose Cash Drawer 1 or Cash
      2. Drawer 2.

    1. The user can select only one option.
      1. Note: When the user selects any one of the options, the respective cash drawer will be opened.
      2. On selecting the option, the user will be allowed to create Till in the respective Cash drawer.
  1. When one of the user (A) is assigned to Drawer 1, and when another user (B) creates _ll, then the user(B) will be allowed to select only Drawer 2. (i.e) The Cash Drawer 1 will be greyed out. When the user selects Drawer 2, the respec_ve cash drawer will be opened.

  1. Note: Two Tills will be created when the “Enable Dual Cash Drawer” is enabled.
  1. Open Cash Drawer
    1. When the option Open Cash Drawer is enabled for any role in the back office, and when the user having the respective role, clicks on Open Cash Drawer option in the POS (both Check Options screen and Till screen),
      1. The user will be prompted with the option Drawer 1 and Drawer 2.
      2. The user will be allowed to select any one option at a time.
      3. On selecting the drawer option, the respective drawer will be opened.
  2. Note:
  3. Dual Cash drawer will work only for the User Till. (i.e) it will not applicable for the Global Till.
  4. One Till is connected to one cash drawer.
  5. There can be 2 active tills and 2 hold tills when “Dual Cash drawer” is enabled.
  6. When the option "Open Auto Global Till" is enabled in the back office and the user tries to enable the "Dual Cash Drawer" in the POS settings, then an alert message will be displayed and the user will not be allowed to enable the option.
  7. When the option "Enable Dual Cash Drawer" is enabled and if none of the users has NOT created Till, then while creating a sale, both the drawers will not be opened.
  8. User should Enable the Dual cash drawer only when all the tills are closed. If they enable in the middle the cash drawers wont open.



We are going to introduce a new feature Tax per Service Type so that the taxes will be applied to a check based on the service type. For example, State Tax 6% is available for Bar and QSR but can exempt tax for Delivery, To go and Pick up (For Here). This document describes the configuration and implementation of Tax per Service Type.

Changes in the Back Office

  1. Taxes
  2. A new option Tax per Service Type will be displayed in the Taxes screen.

  1. By default, this option will be in disable mode.
  2. The user can enable the option later.
  3. On enabling the option, a confirmation message saying, "Would you like to set the percentage for all the services?" will be displayed with 'Yes' and 'No' option.
    1. When the user clicks on the 'Yes' option in the alert message,
      1. For existing taxes, the previously given tax percentage will be displayed for all the service types. The user can edit the tax percentages later.
      2. For newly created tax, it will be displayed as zero for all the service types. The user can provide the percentage for all the service types.
    2. When the user clicks on the 'No' option in the alert message,
      1. When the user has enabled "Tax per Service type" for the first time & has clicked "No" in the alert message, then Zero will be displayed for the "Tax percentage".
      2. When the user has given different taxes for the service types previously and then later disable the option "Tax per Service type", now again enabled it, then the previously provided taxes for service types will be displayed. The user can edit the tax percentages.

                  When the op_on "Quan_ty based Tax" is enabled, the screen will be displayed as


  1. When the option Tax per Service Type is disabled, there will be no change in the current flow. (i.e) the tax will not be calculated based on the service type.
  2. When the option Tax per Service Type is enabled, the tax will be calculated based on the service type.
    1. The field Percentage will be disabled.
    2. All the service types will be displayed in the pop-up where the user can provide tax for each service types.
    3. The user can define tax percentage for different service types.
    4. To exempt tax, the user can provide the value as zero.
  3. For existing tax, when the option Tax per Service Type is enabled, the value given in “Percentage” will be displayed in all the Service Types.
    1. For example,
    2. Previously, when the value given in the “Percentage” is 5%, then the value for all the service types will be populated as 5%.
    3. Later, the user can change the percentages.
  4. For new tax, when the option Tax per Service Type is enabled, the tax percentage value for all the service types will be displayed as zero. The user can provide tax percentage for all the service types later.
  5. When clicked on Save button, all the details will be saved.
  6. Note:The value given in “To Go” will be same for both the service types – ‘Store to go’ and ‘Phone to go’.The value given in “Delivery” will be same for both the service types – ‘Store delivery’ and ‘Phone delivery’.

  1. Tax Report
  2. Tax per Service Type
    1. A new report Tax per Service Type will be displayed. [Reports >> Tax Report >> Tax per Service Type] Time Period has following options – Today, Yesterday, Last ‘N’ days, This week, Last week, This month, Last Month, Specific Date, Date Range.
      1. By default, Today will be selected.
    2. When the user clicks on the “Run” button, the tax amount will be displayed based on the chosen service type(s).

  1. Impact in the POS
    1. When the option “Tax per Service Type” is disabled in the back office, then the tax will be calculated irrespective of the service type.
    2. When the option “Tax per Service Type” is enabled in the back office, then the tax will be calculated with respective of the chosen service type.
    3. Note:
      1. The above changes will be reflected in all the POS.
      2. When the user changes the service type while ordering, then the tax will be applied based on the newly modified service type.For example,
        1. If the customer has ordered 2 menu items in the 'QSR' service type. Then the service type has been changed to 'Dine-in' and again ordered 2 more menu items, then the tax for 'Dine in' will be applied for all the menu items
      3. When a user tries to transfer or merge checks having different service types, then an alert message will be displayed saying, "Unable to transfer/merge the checks because there are multiple service type checks available with multiple tax.
      4. Once the payment is made (par_al/full), the user will not be able to change the service type.



Currently, in the back office the user will be unable to submit the Forced Punch-In/Out without providing both Check-in and Check-out details. Now, the user can submit the screen without providing the Check-out time for the current business date.

Changes in the Back Office

Forced Punch-In/Out(s)

  1. When the user selects the Check In date, the system will verify whether it is current business date or not.
    1. When it is current business date, then the user will be allowed to save the changes without providing Check Out date and time.
    2. When the user selects other than the current business date in the Check In, then the user will not be allowed to save unless the Check Out date and time is provided.
  2. When the user saves the details in the Forced Punch-In/Out(s), it will be reflected in the POS only when the ‘Check In’ date is current business date.

Impact in the POS

  1. In the back office, when the option Clock in required is enabled and Check In time has been provided for an employee, then the respective employee will be prompted with the message “You are already clocked in” will be displayed in the POS when tried to clock-in again.
  2. In the back office, when the Check In time has been provided for an employee, then the respective employee will be able to clock out without any issues.



This document describes the changes that need to be implemented for a future order.

Changes in the iPad

Batch/Tip Adjustment Screen

  1. The future order check details will be displayed in the Batch/Tip Adjustment screen when payment is made through the HA Payment/ Gi_ Card/ MPPG Credit Card/ SpPax/ Side CC/ Dejavoo/ Ingenico.
  2. The user will be allowed to apply tips and submit the batch.
    1. Note:
    2. Once the check is moved to Active checks, then those checks will not be displayed on the Batch/Tip Adjustment screen. When the active checks are moved to closed status, then those checks will be displayed in the Batch/Tip Adjustment screen.

POS Settings

  1. A new option "Print Future Order" will be displayed.
  2. When this option is enabled, only then the future order checks will be sent to kitchen from the respective iPad for kitchen print.
  3. Note:
    1. All the iPads available in the store can view the future order checks.
    2. The status of the future order checks will be shared to all the iPads.
  4. Limitation:
  5. When the same future order check is opened in more than one iPad, then there will be conflict in the display of menu items in both the iPads.

Future Order tab

  1. The check number of the future order will be amended by ‘F’ for easy identification.
  2. The ‘Future’ tab will have the details of Order date, Delivery date, Delivery Time, Balance.
  3. In the ‘Future’ tab, the checks will be sorted by delivery date & delivery time by default.
  4. The latest delivery date will be displayed on the top.
  5. The ‘Future’ tab will have the op_on to filter by ordered date, delivery date and search by check number. (i.e) the user will be able to select the ordered/ delivery date. Upon selec_on of date, the respective check(s) will be displayed in the grid table. Also a new column "Check Number" needs to be displayed.
  6. This filter changes will be in Phone Order - Future Order.

  1. Balance = Total – Paid Amount

Offline behavior

Any future order created when iPad is offline, will be available to the other iPad when internet becomes stable. The user has to pull future order checks in future order tab manually by clicking on the future order tab.

Backward Compatibility

Any future order created in previous version of Cloud iPad, will not have a check number when the new version of Cloud is installed. It will get its check number only when the future order sale becomes active like how it used to work in older versions.

Changes in the Back Office

Sale Recap Report

  1. A new section Future Order will be displayed in the Sale Recap Report. It will have the following details:
    1. Advance Payment in Cash
    2. Advance Payment in CC
    3. Payment Completed (Payment made on delivery date)
    4. Past Order Advance Payment (Payment made on Order date)
For example,
When the check amount is $100.00, the customer has made payment $20.00 (Cash) on ordered date
(20-Apr), then while taking a report on (20-Apr)
Advance payment in Cash will be $20.00
Advance payment in CC will be $0.00
Payment Completed will be $0.00
Past Order Advance Payment will be $0.00

While taking a report on delivery date (22-Apr)
Advance payment in Cash will be $0.00
Advance payment in CC will be $0.00
Payment Completed will be $80.00
Past Order Advance Payment will be $20.00
Gross Sale = All Sale – Non Sale Revenue – Advance Payment
The Advance payment will be added in the Gross Receipt.

Cashier Out Report

  1. A new section Future Order will be displayed in the Cashier Out Report.
  2. It has the same options as in “Sale Recap Report”.

Future Order Repor

  1. A new report Future Order Report will be displayed. [Reports >> Sale >> Future Order Report] It has the following filters – Delivery Date, Ordered Date, Check Number
  2. The report will display the details of pending future orders, completed future orders, paid amount, balance amount.



This document describes various tools which will help Cloud Support Team to handle customer issues more

quickly and efficiently.

Changes in the Cloud Admin


  1. A new option “Support” will be displayed in the Admin screen. [Dashboard >> Click on any Store Name]

  1. Select the store and click on the “Support” button.
  2. On clicking the “Support” button, the user will be navigated to the screen having the following tabs:
    1. Move Sales to Other Date
    2. Menu Deletion Tool

Move Sales to Other Date

  1. This option is used when a check date got mismatched due to some technical issues.
  2. The user will select the date on which the check date has been mismatched and clicks on the “Run” button.
  3. On clicking the “Run” button, the screen displays all the checks made on the respective date.

  1. Select the check(s) for which the sale date needs to be changed.
  2. On selecting the check(s), the user can select the business date and click on the “Update” button.

  1. On clicking the “Update” button, the business date of the selected check(s) will be changed.

Menu Deletion Tool

  1. This option is used to delete the category, sub category, menu item, modifier, etc. from the store permanently.
  2. The user can delete following options – Department, Category, Sub Category, Modifier, Modifier Group, Menu Item, Retail Item.
  3. On selecting the option, the screen displays the respective data. It displays all the active and inactive records.

  1. The user can select multiple data and click on the “Delete” button.
  2. On clicking the “Delete” button, following confirmation messages will be displayed.
    1. i. “You can`t retrieve the Deleted Records. Are you sure, you want to delete the selected department?”
    2. ii. “Departments are mapped with <count> category, <count> Sub Category & <count> Menu Item. Are you sure, you want to delete along with those mappings?”
    3. iii. “Department Menu Items are synced with Inventory. Are you sure, you want to delete along with Inventory Menu Items?”
  3. Upon confirmation of all the messages, then the selected record will be deleted.

Gift Card Import Tool

  1. This option is used to import new Gift card numbers and its balances to the store.
  2. This option will only be displayed when the Include Gift Card is enabled for the store in the Cloud Admin.
  3. On clicking the "Gift Card Import" tab, the screen displays as

  1. The user can import the file from the local hard drive XLSX format only and upload it.
  2. Sample Gift Card Template

  1. The imported data will be displayed on the Gift Cards screen of the respective store in the back office.
  2. [Products / Items >> Gift Cards]



Using the IOT > Free Wifi we can get the customer’s information while they access the internet from stores. These customer details can be used in the future reference. With the help of Mesh Integration, we can provide free Wi-Fi access.

This document describes the configuration of Mesh in our Cloud application.

Configuration in the Back Office


  1. Enable the option “Free WiFi” in a store in the Hot Spot screen. [IOT >> Hot Spot >> Wifi] Select any option from the “Template for User Details”.

  1. Copy the link displayed in the “Free WiFi Page URL”.
  2. Note: This link will be used to configure in the CloudTrax.
  3. Finally, click on the “Save” button.

Configuration in the Mesh Device (OM2P -V2)

  1. Device should be switched on and LAN connection should be provided which had the internet connectivity also.
  2. To configure the URL, we need to login with CloudTrax

Configuration in the CloudTrax

  1. Enter the following URL in the browser:

  1. Provide the credentials and click on the Login button.
  2. Navigate to SSID 2 screen. [Configure >> SSID based on which number your device is connected.]

  1. Enable the option Splash page.
  2. Select Hosted remotely and provide Splash page URL.
  3. Paste the Free WiFi Page URL from the back office in the Splash page URL.
  4. Select HTTP in the Splash page authentication type.
  5. Provide the same Free WiFi Page URL in the URL field.
  6. Provide the secret password as you required.

  1. Finally, click on the Save Changes bu_on available at the top of the screen.
  2. To Customer
  3. Once the settings are provided, when the customer tries to connect to Mesh Wifi, they will be redirected to
  4. the Free WiFi Page URL in the browser, the screen displays as

  1. The customer will provide all the details and click on the Connect button.
  2. On clicking the “Connect” button, the customer will be navigated to the Google page. All the details will be saved in the Customer details of the store.

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