Build Version 2.1.19 - Release Notes

Build Version 2.1.19 - Release Notes


Split by Check
  1. Reference: Split Check in POS
Negative Inventory
  1. Currently, when an inventory item & sub recipe is consumed below the PAR Level, then the respective item will be displayed in the Non-Consume Orders. 
  2. Now, when an inventory item & sub recipe is consumed below the PAR Level, then negative quantity will be displayed in the Low stocks. Once the stock is updated, then the quantity will be incremented.
  3. Reference: Negative Inventory
Batch submission date will be displayed in the “Batch” report
  1. The Batch report will be generated based on the Business date or Batch Settled Date.
  2. Reference: Enhancement in Batch Report
  3. Edit wait-list
  4. Reference: Wait-list in POS
Menu pull configuration – Inventory details will get updated
  1. In Pull menu configuration the Inventory details will also get updated for New/ Existing items when we use the "Pull  with Inventory mapping". 
Swipe card fall back
  1.  If you swipe the chip card in Edynamo, it will through the pop up to insert the card and by processing through EMV you can complete the transaction
  2. For the bad chip cards: When the chip either broken or damaged case, it will first ask to insert the card when you swipe it and when you insert the card and click process EMV, it will end in some error since it is bad chip.
  3. You have to try three times to make it fall back to swipe. If the error occurs for three times, it will ask to swipe and by swipe you can finish the transaction
 SPPAX Payment Retrive : 
  1.   While doing the SPPAX payment, whenever the communication b/w device and iPad is interrupted, the payment will be added to the failure payment, the customer have to retrieve the failure payment to process the transaction. 
Cash reward on total section :
  1. If the Cash reward is enabled, then user placed any order he will able to view the Cash reward which we are going to give for the customer. Ex : Check amount : $ 10 and Cash reward : $1 this will be displayed on the Order screen.  



This document describes the functionality of splitting a check into multiple checks so that each check can use their rewards and/or discounts.

Changes in the POS

Order Screen
  1. When the user has ordered menu items in a seat or multiple seats and click on the   icon, the user will be navigated to the Split screen.
  2. The Split screen has the following options:
    1. Split Check
    2. Split By Seat

  1. Dev Note: Split by Seat will be displayed as Split Seat.
  2. When the user clicks on the Split Seat option, existing functionality of ‘Split Seat’ prevails.
  3. When the user clicks on the Split Check option, a confirmation message saying, “Item(s) need to sent to kitchen” will display with Yes and No options.
  4. When the user clicks on the No option in the confirmation message, the user will be navigated to the Order screen without performing split checks.
  5. When the user clicks on the Yes option in the confirmation message, the user will be navigated to the Split Check screen.
Table Layout & Bar Tab
  1. When the user clicks on the Split  option, the following options will be displayed:
    1. Split Check
    2. Split By Seat

  1. Dev Note: Split by Seat will be displayed as Split Seat.
  2. When the user clicks on the Split Check option and selects any table, the user will be navigated to the Split Check screen.
  3. When the user clicks on the Split Seat option and selects any table, the user will be navigated to the Split Seat screen.
Split Check Screen
  1. The Split Check screen displays with the following details:
    1. Separate Item
    2. Split by Seat
    3. Back
    4. Save & Close
    5. Add
    6. Start Over
    7. Print

  1. Dev Note:  Split Evenly, Group Checks, Print All & Pay will not display Separate seat --> Split by seat
Separate Item
  1. When a menu item in the check is selected and clicked on the Separate Item option, the respective menu item will get split, and the corresponding quantity and price will be divided accordingly.
Split by seat
  1. On clicking Split by seat option, the menu items ordered in the respective seats will be displayed in different checks.
  1. When the user clicks on the Add button, a new check will be added to the screen.
    1. Note:
    2. When the user has clicked Print/Print All already, then the user will not be allowed to click the Add button.
Start Over
  1. When the user clicks on the Start Over button, the changes made in the screen will be discarded until the payment is made for a check. 
  2. The screen will not be reset back to the original position, if a payment is made for any check(s) available in the ‘Split Check’ screen.
    1. Note:
    2. When the user has clicked Print/Print All already, then the user will not be allowed to click the Start Over button.
  1. This option is used to print the selected check. When the user clicks on the "Print" button, a confirmation message will be displayed saying, "Please save all the changes to print.Do you want to save the changes" . On clicking "Yes" in the confirmation message, the changes made in the Split Check screen got saved.
Save & Close
  1. When the user clicks on the Save & Close option, 
    1. the changes made in the Split Check screen will be saved
    2. new check number(s) will be created
    3. and finally, the user will be navigated to the Table layout screen where the user can view the multiple checks.
  2. Note:
    1. If a check is having attached customer, then during split check, the attached customer will be assigned to the first check by default. 
    2. If tax exemption/discount is given to the attached customer, then during split check, the respective tax exemption will be attached to the first check (parent check).
    3. When a payment (fully/partially) is already made to a check, then the user cannot split the respective check.
    4. Tax exempt & Gratuity will be applied only to current check. after split it is not shared or applied to the split check.
    5. The GiveX and Gift Card recharge will be allowed to split.



Currently, when an inventory item & sub recipe is consumed below the PAR Level, then the respective item will be displayed in the Non-Consume Orders. 
Now, when an inventory item & sub recipe is consumed below the PAR Level, then the negative quantity will be displayed in the Low stocks. Once the stock is updated, the quantity will be incremented.

Changes in the Back Office

Inventory Home
  1. When an inventory item & sub recipe is consumed below the PAR Level, then the negative quantity (Available Quantity) will be displayed in the Low stocks.

  1. The negative quantity will be displayed in the following reports:
  2. Consumption Log – Column ‘Quantity’
  3. Compare Inventory – Column ‘On Hand’
  4. Count Sheet – Column ‘On Hand’ will be split into two columns: Item On Hand and Vendor On Hand
    1. The negative quantity will be displayed for the "Item On Hand" column.
  5. Received Logs – Column ‘Inventory Count’
  6. The negative quantity will also be displayed in the following screens:
  7. Inventory Items - Column 'Quantity On Hand' [Inventory >> Inventory Items]
  8. Sub Recipes - Column 'Quantity On Hand' [Inventory >> Sub Recipes]
  9. Note : For existing stocks it will show on the Non-Consume orders, user have to use "consume orders" after purchasing the stocks. 



This document describes the enhancement that needs to be implemented in the Batch Report. The Batch report will be generated based on the Business date or Batch Settled Date.

Changes in the back office

  1. Two new options will be displayed in the Batch report screen. [Reports >> Batch]
    1. Business Date
    2. Batch Settled Date
  2. The user can select any one of the options.
  3. Based on the selection, the report will be generated when clicked on the Run button.
  4. A new column Batch Settled Date will be displayed in the report.

  1. Note:
  2. Once the build is updated, the Batch Settled Date will be displayed with the respective data. For the previous records, the Batch Settled  Date will be displayed blank.



This document describes how the user can edit the wait-list screen in the POS. 

Changes in the POS

  1. To edit a guest customer, swipe the list. A new option Edit will be displayed.

  1. When the user clicks on the “Edit” option, a confirmation message will be displayed saying, “Do you want to edit the guest record?” with Yes and No options.
  2. When the user clicks on the No option in the confirmation message, the message will be closed, and the user will be retained in the Wait-list screen.
  3. When the user clicks on the Yes option in the confirmation message, the Add Party pop-up will be opened.
    1. The screen displays the details of the respective customer.
    2. The user can edit the Size, Status and Notes.
    3. The user can edit the timings also.
    4. The user cannot edit Name and Phone number. 

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