Combo Discount

Combo Discount

Implementation in Back Office:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Products/Items >> Discounts >> Mix and Match

  A toggle option “Combo” should be included in the Mix and Match discount screen.

  The new settings for defining the combo items should be displayed only if the combo option is enabled.

  On enabling the option, the following combo configuration screen should be displayed in the mix and match discount screen.

Note: If the toggle option “Combo” is disabled, the existing functionality for the mix and match discount should be defaulted.

1)      Name – It is user defined name. The given name should display in the combo menu match selection screen in the POS. It is an optional field.

2)      Level

·         Users can choose where the discounts should be applied.

·         The levels will be Category/Subcategory/Menu Item.

·         If user selects only one menu item in each match, then it should be treated as mandatory combo. User can map multiple menu items too.

Note: If multiple menu item is mapped for the combo, it should be treated as normal combo.

3)      Serving size – The serving size is based on the chosen level. All the available serving sizes for the chosen category/subcategory/menu item should be shown in the drop down with check box option. “All” option should be provided in the drop down.

4)      Quantity – Number of quantities of the menu item to which the discount needs to be applied.

5)      Exclusion Item – Menu Item which needs to be excluded from the combo discount can be defined here.

6)      Price of Each Item- User can set a discount price for the level based on the quantity.

Note: If incase the combo discount is applied for the menu, then the discount price should be taken for the cost price calculation.

Calculation for price per each item should be in the proportionate form based on the combo discount setting rules selected.

7)      Include Modifier Price- It is a check box. Users can check or uncheck the box to include or exclude the modifier price. By default, the include modifier price should be “Yes”.

Note: If include modifier price is checked as “Yes”, then the modifier price should be included in the discounted price.

If include modifier price is checked as “No”, then the discount price for the combo should exclude the modifier price. The modifier price should be calculated exclusively with the combo discount price.

8)      Add: User can click onto the ADD icon to create multiple combo menus.

Note: Check box should be provided for all the drop-down options instead of multiple selection.

Types of combo:

  Users can create multiple combo option sets. 

  User can create mandatory combo by defining only one menu item in one match with quantity “1”. So that customers will be forced to select the defined menu items in the matches.

  User can create optional combo by assigning multiple menu items/category/subcategory. Customer can select the items they wish to order from the available matches.




Combo discount setting rules:

  The field name should change accordingly based on the rule selection.

1)      Set Price- To set a fixed price.

2)      Percentage- Discount percentage on the price of the combo menu.

Price for each item field calculation:

Consider the menu item 1 costs 30$ and menu item 2 costs 20$ is added for the combo. The “Set Price” for that combo is set as 10.99$.

Then the price for each item should be calculated using the proportionate.

Total costs = Menu item 1 cost + Menu Item 2 cost = 50$ (in the above-mentioned example).


Price for each item for menu item 1 = (Menu Item 1 cost/Total cost) * set price amount

                                                            = (30/50) * 10.99

                                                            = 6.594


Landing screen of mix and match discount:

  A new column “Type” should be included in the landing screen of the mix and match discount.

  If combo option is enabled for the discount, then the type needs to show as “Combo”.

  If the combo option is disabled, then the type needs to be “Mix and Match”.

Implementation in POS:

  If combo is defined in the back office, a new category "Combo" should be shown in the category layout. 

  All available combo option sets defined in the back office should be shown as a menu item under the “Combo” category layout.

  On selecting the combo, user should be navigated to the combo match selection screen.

  All the added menu items defined under the combo option set in the back office should be displayed in the combo match selection screen.

  The combo match selection screen should appear after selecting the available combo options under the “Combo” category layout.



  User can select the required menu items from the combo match selection screen.

  The mandatory quantity to be selected from respective match should be shown inside the braces” ”.

  On selecting the menu item from the match, user should be navigated to the modifier screen for the respective menu item. For the menu items without modifiers user should not be navigate to the modifier screen.

  User can customize the modifier options according to the customer’s wish.

   After selecting the modifiers user should be navigated to the combo match selection screen while hitting the “Done” button in the modifier screen.



Sample 1: Back Office Configurations

  On click into the menu item combo the combo menu selecting screen should appear.

Screen Mockups in POS:

        On click into the combo 1, the combo match selection screen should appear,

        The combo match selection screen should have two buttons “Cancel” , “Start Over” and “Done” button.

        On click into the “Cancel” button, user should be navigated to the order screen (Do not show any of the selected menu items from the combo match selection screen).

        All the selected menu items from the matches should be showed in the order screen if user hits the “Done” button.

        By selecting the menu item1, the modifier screen should open for respective menu item.

        If conversation option is enabled for the menu item, then the conversational modifier screen should open.


        After selecting the modifiers and click done, system should navigate to the Combo match selection screen.

        And if user clicks on to the “Done” button in the combo match selection screen, the application should navigate to the order screen.

        If user did not select the mandatory quantity from matches and try to click “Done”, a pop-up "To place the combo, select the mandatory quantities from all the matches." Should be shown.

        If user tries to exceed the quantity defined, then a pop-up “You reached the maximum count” should be shown.




   Consider, if the combo discount setting rule is selected as “percentage” for the same sample mentioned above,

Menu Item 1- 20 $

Menu Item 2 – 30$

Set Percentage -25%

In the overall amount the percentage should be applied as the discount mentioning the combo name.



Menu Item 1- 20 $

Menu Item 2 – 30$

Set Price -$10.00



Consider a category level combo defined,


In Back Office,









  Customer can choose the combo menu items from the pizza, dessert, and the beverages match.

  The screen should be scrollable in both from right to left and top to bottom (based on the number of menu items added).

  The maximum selectable quantity defined in the back office should be shown inside the braces in the combo match selection screen.

Screen Sample:


Accessible options:

  The following options should be available for the whole combo,

1)      Repeat

2)      Quantity

3)      Void

4)      To Go

Screen Layout:

  For the individual menu items in the combo the following options should be accessible,

1)      Attach

2)      Hold

3)      Fire

4)      Open Modifier

5)      Change Coursing

  The remaining options should be greyed out.

  On click into the modifier for the combo menu items, the modifier screen should open.

  Customer can customize the modifiers if they wish.

Terms and conditions:

1)      If user tries to void any one of the individual menu items in the combo then system should show the pop-up intimating that all the items in the combo will be deleted. If yes, all the items inside the combo should be deleted.

2)      User can do split with the combo menu items.

3)      User can also use split in the payment screen for partial payment.

4)      Individual Item wise transfer is not allowed for the combo. User can do transfer with the whole combo package.

Note: No need to display all the menu items inside the combo package while transferring. The respective combo name should be shown instead for all the items inside the combo.

5)      User cannot do item wise void/delete with the combo.

6)      Existing flow should be defaulted for the tax and service charge calculations. Considering the original menu price for the item the tax should be calculated as defined (Before/after tax).

7)      Cash discount options are applicable for the combo items check.

8)      Check based discount is applicable for the combo item check.

9)      Item based discount is not applicable for the combo menu items.

10)    The combo should be displayed in CDS as it appears in the POS.

11)   The users with discount access can only apply the combo discount items in the POS.

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