Comp Discount Added in Account Balance Report

Comp Discount Added in Account Balance Report


This document explains about the new field “Comp Discount” should be included in Back Office (Account Balance) and this will be reflected in Account Balance report.


·         The new fields “Comp Discount”  should be included in Back Office (My Store>> Settings>> Report Settings>> Account Balance) and this will be reflected in Account Balance report.

Implementation in BO:

Page Navigation: Log into My Store>> Settings>> Store>> Report Settings>> Account Balance

Here, the new text box will be included for the below given

·         Comp Discounts

The user will be able to enter the code for the newly created text box (Comp Discount)and then click on “Save” option. Upon saving, the codes will be saved and reflected in the Account Balance report.

Here, there is no character restriction limit and special characters. Alphanumeric will be accepted.

The code that are entered in the newly created text box will be reflected in reports page.

Page Navigation: Log into My Store>> Reports>> Account Balance

In Account Balance Report, the added new fields (code) should be reflected in Account column where Debit and Credit calculations are configured already. The sample screen is shown below

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