Employee at Account Level

Employee at Account Level


An option to create centralized user to login and access different stores with the unique pin.

Implementation in Back Office:

      1)      PIN Setup:

Page Navigation: My Enterprise >> Account Users

        “Enable POS Login” option should be included in the account user creation screen.

        On enabling the option user should be provided a provision to add the login PIN and select stores and respective roles.

        A new mandatory field “PIN Number” should be included in the account user screen.

        The PIN Number should be unique for the respective user.

        User can configure the “POS Initial Screen” for the centralized user.

        In the stores filed, user can assign the role for the respective stores.

        Users can login into the stores which is mapped in the stores field.

        The user should use their unique pin to login into different stores.

Screen Layout:


         If the user enters a duplicate PIN that is already defined in the mapped stores, the error message "PIN number.

already exists" should be shown.


      2)      Store Level Restriction:

      Page Navigation: My Stores >> User Management >> Users

      Note: Only super admin can edit the personal details of the enterprise user.

        All the personal details of the centralized user should be shown in the store level user info screen.

        User cannot access the fields Clock In Required, Do auto cashier out, Cash Tip and Sync.

        By default, the option “Clock In Required” should be in enable mode.

        The options “Cash tip, do auto cashier out, Cash Tip, Sync” should be in disable mode.

Screen Layout:


  The payroll processing for the account user should be processed as per the payroll configurations done in the corresponding store level.

  The employee report at both enterprise and the store level should record the details regarding the account user.

  The payroll for the account user should be maintained in the store level.

  Also, the role restrictions provided for the respective roles should be applicable for the corresponding account users too.


      1.       User should do Publish [In Back Office] and Sync [In POS] to reflect the respective centralized user in the corresponding stores.

      2.       Centralized users should avoid clock-in to different stores at same time to avoid the report mismatch.


Implementation in POS:

        Application should allow the account user to login into assigned stores with the unique PIN provided.

        If no role is assigned for the account user, while login a pop-up “Role is not assigned” should be shown.

              For example,


Consider an account with 5 stores namely, STORE 1, STORE 2, STORE 3, STORE 4, STORE 5.

The Account User: John Andrew

PIN Number: 1221 [PIN should be provided at the account level]

Mapped Stores: STORE 1, STORE 2, STORE 3


Roles should be defined in the corresponding store level.

Role: Bartender in STORE 1.

Role: Busser in STORE 2.

Role: Server in STORE 3.


  In POS, Application should allow the employee John Andrew to enter the same PIN [1221] to log into three different stores in three different roles or the same [based on the role defined in the back office].

  The payroll should be processed based on the payroll configurations maintained at the corresponding stores.

  If the centralized user performs the same role in two different stores, the role restrictions and payroll configurations for the respective stores should be considered.

Suggested Report Format:

Page Navigation: My Enterprise >> Enterprise Reports >> Employee >> Enterprise Payroll Report

        Two sorting options “Sort by Employee” and “Sort by Store” should be included.

        Two toggle options “Sort by Store” and “Sort by Employee” should be provided along with the filter fields.

        By default, “Sort by Store’ should be in enable mode.

        The existing report structure should be defaulted for the “Sort by Store” option.

        For sort by employee, the report format should be as follows,

Sample screen Layout:




  The centralized user should also include in the tip out/tip sharing at the store levels.

Note: The centralized users tip out/tip sharing at the store levels will be included in the next development phase.


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