Implementation in Back Office:
Page Navigation: My Stores >> Products /Items >> Menu Items >> Mandatory modifiers.
A check option “Hide other modifier group” should be provided in the parent modifier defining screen.
The option should be checked automatically if user defines any parent modifier for the menu item.
User can uncheck the option if they wish.
Screen Layout:
Impacts on POS:
Consider the menu item “Black Tea” having modifier group “Temperature” defined as parent modifier.
The “Temperature” modifier group contains the following modifiers,
1) Cold
2) Hot
3) Frap
The modifier “Cold” can be configured as the parent modifier of another modifier group say, ice.
The modifier group “Ice” contains the modifiers “With ice and No ice”.
The “Cold” will be the parent modifier assigned for the modifiers with ice and no ice.
The modifiers with ice and no ice will be the child modifiers for the parent modifier “Cold”.
Consider the option “Hide other modifier group” is checked for the “Cold” group. When the user clicks on "Cold" (parent modifier), the application should point out the respective child modifier "Ice" directly. The remaining groups of modifiers should be hidden away (only if the option “Hide other modifier group” is checked).
Note: If there is no Parent modifier configured, then those modifiers should display.
Screen Layout:
When the check option “Hide other Modifier group” is unchecked,
When the check option “Hide other Modifier group” is checked,