Loyalty Discount

Loyalty Discount


      1)      Instead of using the points everywhere, the user should have an option to choose a custom name for 

the loyalty points.

      2)      A new discount type “Loyalty Discount” should be included in the discount creation screen for item-based discount.

      3)      New columns Discount Type, Coupon, Auto Discount should be included in the landing screen of the discount menu.

      4)      Two new redeem options “Point-Based Redemption” and “Item Based Redemption” should be included.

      5)      The header should be added for the menu item and category-based settings in Loyalty.

Implementation in Back Office:

      1)      Instead of using the points everywhere, the user should have an option to choose a custom name for 

the loyalty points.

Page Navigation: Sign into Back office >> Loyalty >> Settings.

        A new field “Custom Name for Loyalty Point” should be included.

        The field should include custom options that allow users to choose any of the names they want to use instead of points.

        The custom name chosen for the loyalty points should reflect in the POS.



Screen Layout:


Enhancement in Discount:

      2)      A new discount type “Loyalty Discount” should be included in Item based, Mix and Match discount screen.

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Products/Items >> Discounts >> Item based/Check Based/Mix and Match Discount.

        A new discount type “Loyalty Discount” should be included.

        Users can define the loyalty discount in the category/subcategory and the menu item level.

        Users cannot access the coupon only, auto discount toggles if the discount type is “Loyalty Discount”.

        The “Attach Customer” option should be enabled by default.




Changes in Landing Screen of Discount:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Products/Items >> Discounts >> Item Based Discount.

        New columns “Discount Type”, “Auto Discount” and “Coupon” should be included in the landing screen of the discounts.

Screen Layout:




Enhancement in Loyalty:

Page Navigation: Sign into Back Office >> Loyalty >> Settings >> Redemption

        Two new check options “Point-Based Redemption” and “Item-based Redemption” should be included in the redemption section.

        Existing functionality should have defaulted for the “Point-Based Redemption”.

        If the user has chosen Item-based redemption in the back office, then it will be considered as redemption based on discount points.


  Screen Layout:

        If the user has chosen Point-based redemption in the back office, then the existing functionality will be retained. (i.e.) the check amount will be deducted from the loyalty.

  An option “Select Your Offers” to map the loyalty discounts and the points to avail of the loyalty discount should be included.

  Customers can use the respective loyalty discount if they do have the minimum redeem point configured for the respective loyalty discount.





Implementation in POS:

Note: Loyalty discount can be applied only if the customer is attached to the check.

  A new button showing the loyalty value of the customer should be included at the top of the order screen.

        When customer is attached to the check, the loyalty point with icons should be shown near the customer name.

        When the user clicks on the loyalty point, the application should show the loyalty discount screen which lists out the all the mapped menu items in the loyalty discount created at the back office with the points configured.

        The offers are shown based on the customers loyalty point.

        If the customer is not having the minimum loyalty points to avail certain offers that should be greyed out.

        On selecting the menu item, a pop-up, “Are you sure you want to redeem “Stars-Menu Item on this customer”? with buttons “Cancel” and “Redeem” should be shown.

        On click into cancel, the process is aborted.

        To continue availing the offer user should click onto the “Redeem” button.

        The respective menu item selected should be placed in the order screen after confirmation.

        And below the menu item, the respective discount name should be shown representing the redeemed value as existing.

        If user do repeat and increase the quantity, application should check whether the customer exceeds the loyalty point on hand. If yes, a pop-up should be thrown stating item exceeded loyalty point.

        The remaining points should be updated and shown at the top.

        “Exceeds the minimum loyalty point” message should be shown in case the customer tries to avail more loyalty discount which results in decreased loyalty point.


Screen Layout:



      6)      The header should be added for the menu item and category-based settings in Loyalty.

        For the column’s menu item and category-based, the headers should be added at the top.

Screen Layout:






      1)      Users cannot do split, transfer, merge on the check in which the loyalty discount is applied.

      2)      If user tries to do transfer on the check with loyalty discount applied a pop-up should be shown stating,

“Transfer is not allowed since loyalty discount is applied on the check”.

      3)      The pop-up shows with the “OK” button.

      4)      Users can click OK to remove the pop-up.

      5)      If user tries to do merge with the loyalty discount applied check, a pop-up “Merge is not allowed since loyalty discount is applied on the check” should be shown.

      6)      Same, if they try to do split the item or split the check with loyalty discount applied, the pop-up “Split is not allowed since loyalty discount is applied on the check” should be shown.

      7)      User cannot detach the customer from the check where the loyalty discount is added, and the order is notified the kitchen. If they want to do, first void the menu item to which the loyalty discount is applied.

      8)      Once users detach the customer from the check, first the loyalty points deducted should be updated back and then allow to detach the customer.

      9)      "Removing the customer is not allowed as loyalty discount is applied on the check” should be shown if user tries to detach the customer from the check placed and the orders are already sent to the kitchen.


Screen Layout:


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