Pax A77 Set Up

Pax A77 Set Up

On Admin page, please enable EMV, SP Pax and add the serial number of the terminal. If you copy the serial number, make sure there is no space when you paste it in serial number section.


After that log into the store and add tender payment. Go to Setting> Store> Payment> Add payment Method. In payment type choose SP Pax, payment name would be the tender payment name and in mode type choose A77.

If the merchant is using Valutec or Factor4 gift cards, then enable the respective toggle.

After that hit add> Update.



The last setting in back office is to add the IP address for the terminal in back office. For that we need to go to Setting> Store> Payment> Add EMV setting. Add the terminal name > IP address> in type choose SP Pax and then choose the serial number of the terminal. Hit add and update.

Once all the settings are done in back office please publish and sync the I pad with back office to see the changes on iPad.

Terminal Setup (A77)

We need the IP address of the terminal to put it in back office. To pull up the IP address we need to go to Settings on the terminal> the default password is pax9876@@ > Wi-Fi> Click on connected Wi-Fi and get the IP address.




Fully Integrated Pax A77

All the above steps are same for both fully integrated and semi-integrated devices.

For fully integrated we push the cloud go app on the terminal. We need to open the go app and login with store credentials. After login we can punch the order same as we do on the I pad. To take payment from the terminal, we need to use the tender payment which we made for SP Pax.

Note- For fully integrated mode we push go app and Processor app from Pax store.



Note- For fully integrated device, merchant still must use the I pad to submit the batch or to adjust tip under batch and tip adjustment screen, we haven’t developed that feature yet.

Enabling Tip prompt before credit card  screen on Cloud Go app

In the Back office go to Setting> Store> Application Setting> Enable Prompt tip screen before credit card screen.




Using Receipt printer of A77

We can enable the receipt printer in the pax file on pax store or we can enable it on the terminal itself. If we want to do it from terminal, then we need to open the Processor app (the screenshot attached below is taken from Omaha app)> Touch on 3 dots on top right corner> Operation setting> Enable Print Support.




Semi Integrated Pax A77 setup

To use terminal in semi-integrated mode, we need to go to Operation in app> Hardware setting> Card reader setting> select the IP address of pax terminal and make sure it has check mark in front of it. Then we need to ring in the order on I pad, select pax tender payment and it would initialize the pax terminal take payment.

Note- For semi-integrated mode we only push Processor app, For example- Omaha or TSYS app.


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