Price Embedded Barcodes

Price Embedded Barcodes

Price Embedded barcodes are similar to PLU codes in that these are primarily used for unpackaged items, like deli meats and cheeses. Clients will usually have a scale of their own where they will punch in the PLU code for that particular product on that scale, weigh it, and then print out a price embedded barcode from the scale to attach to the product.

These barcodes consist of five parts and will read something like 2 00001 8 0754 1, with each number representing the following: 

  • 2 – the leading check digit, which flags the barcode as price embedded
  • 00001 – the PLU of the product (note that it HAS to be programmed as FIVE digits)
  • 8 – check digit of the PLU
  • 0754 – the price of the product (here, $7.54)
  • 1 – the check digit of the price

For prices from $100.00 to $999.99 example would be 02 00001 10754 1, with each number representing the following: 

  • 2 – the leading check digit, which flags the barcode as price embedded
  • 00001 – the PLU of the product (note that it HAS to be programmed as FIVE digits)
  • 10754 – the price of the product (here, $107.54)
  • 1 – the check digit of the price


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