Time Clock Feature - Enabling Paid/Unpaid Breaks

Time Clock Feature - Enabling Paid/Unpaid Breaks

To view the full Time Clock document with added reference photos of the back office and front of house, download out document version at the bottom of the page. 


This document explains - Time Clock


         An option for the employer in BO to set rest break & meal break with option to mark it paid or unpaid

        An option for the employer in POS to see employee break -in & break out with break type & duration.

Implementation in POS

Employee Screens

Login Screen

The user will be able to enter the PIN/Swipe Card to login for that day. The user will be able to view the Current Date, Day and Time at the bottom of the screen along with the Time Clock Option.

New Login Screen


Time Clock Login Pop-up Screen

Once the user click on the Time Clock option, then the Time Clock pop-up login screen appears. Here, the user will enter the PIN number or swipe the card for login.


Clock In

If user clock-in the time clock screen for the first time of that day, then the PIN screen will be available and user will be able to enter the pin first or clicking on TimeClock and then enter the pin and when Login is clicked then the below screen appears for the user (here, the screen will not navigate to the break screen). 

Here, in the login screen the user will able to view the success message at the bottom of the screen as CLOCK-IN SUCCESS, XXXXXXX has been Clocked In along with X icon. Upon clicking on this X icon, the success message will be closed.

When user wants to take any break, then in the login screen the user will click on the Time Clock option and then enter the pin and the below screen will appears, from there the break will be taken. Each and every time when user wants to clock-in or wants to take any break/end any break or clock-out then the Time Clock option clicked and the action should be performed.

When the Clocked in user wants to take any break then in the below screen the list of all the breaks along with the Clock Out option will be displayed. Here, the Current Time, Day and Date in the Time Clock section along with the text Welcome back XXXXXX (name of the employee), and the message as You clocked in at 5:27PM and all the breaks for that particular day will be listed. Here, the cancel button is available. Upon clicking this Cancel button, the user cannot clock in and the screen will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen and also the X icon is present at the right corner of the screen which will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen.

From the above screen, the breaks such as Rest Break, Meal Break and Clock Out has been listed along with its time duration and Break Type (paid/unpaid) which is configured in BO as explained below.


When user clicks on any break says, Rest Break then success message will be displayed at the login screen as shown below. The success message will be displayed as SUCCESS, Rest Break Started along with X icon. Upon clicking on this X icon, the success message will be closed. 

End Break

When user wants to take any break, then in the login screen the user will click on the Time Clock option and then enter the pin and the below screen will appears, from there the break will be taken. Each and every time when user wants to clock-in or wants to take any break/end any break or clock-out then the Time Clock option clicked and the action should be performed.

When user wants to end the applied break, then in the below screen the user will be able to click on End XXXXX Break and here the break timing will be displayed along with the break type. Here, the user will be able to view the message as Welcome back, XXXXXX and if employee was late within that break period then the delayed timing will be displayed as You’re 9 minutes late as shown below.

Here, the Current Time, Day and Date in the Time Clock section and at the bottom of the screen the Cancel button will be displayed. Upon clicking this Cancel button, the user cannot clock in and the screen will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen and also the X icon is present at the right corner of the screen which will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen.


In case, if the employee forgets to End Break/take any break/clock-out/clock-in then manager will be able to do Force End Break/take any break/clock-out/clock-in only in the Manager screen and in BO.

Break Ended Success

When user wants to take any break, then in the login screen the user will click on the Time Clock option and then enter the pin and the above screen will appears, from there the break will be taken. Each and every time when user wants to clock-in or wants to take any break/end any break or clock-out then the Time Clock option clicked and the action should be performed.

When user ends the applied break, then the success message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen as SUCCESS, Rest Break Ended along with X icon. Upon clicking on X icon, the message will be closed.

When user backs to the login screen early than the break period then the below screen will be appeared stating that Welcome back, XXXXXX you’re 2 minutes early and the user will not be able to click on the end break option since it is greyed out. If user wants to end the break early, then only Manager can perform this action in manager screen and as well as in BO(the user cannot end the break early).

Here, the Current Time, Day and Date in the Time Clock section and at the bottom of the screen the Cancel button will be displayed. Upon clicking this Cancel button, the user cannot clock in and the screen will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen and also the X icon is present at the right corner of the screen which will redirect to the previous clock in pin enter screen.

In case, if the employee forgets to End Break/take any break/clock-out/clock-in then manager will be able to do Force End Break/take any break/clock-out/clock-in only in the Manager screen and in BO.

When Clock Out is made, the Declared Cash Tip pop-up should be displayed (should work as existing).


When more breaks are configured in BO

When more breaks are configured in back office then the screen should split up the break and clock in/out as shown below

Manager screens

Login Screen

The Manager will be able to enter the PIN/Swipe Card to login for that day. The user will be able to view the Current Date, Day and Time at the bottom of the screen. Upon clicking on Clear option, the whole entered pin number will be cleared. Here, the Time Clock option will be available for the Manager in order to take clock-in/take break/end break/clock-out.

Login Failed

When employee tries to login to the Manager portal and enters the invalid pin, then the error message will be displayed for the user as “Error, You need manager permissions” as shown below

When Manager wants to view the employee details then Active Employee option should be clicked and the screen will be explained below

Active Employees pop-up

In the Active Employee Manager screen, the user will be able to view the employee details in separate tabs as listed below

ü  All (this tab includes all the employee details – on shift, on break, inactive details)

ü  On Shift (this tab displays only the on shift employee details)

ü  On Break (this tab displays only the on break employee details)

ü  Inactive (this tab displays the employee who is not working on that particular day i.e., may be leave or not logged in) – Rename – Change Inactive as Not In Shift


In Shift employees should be in Green color

In Break employees should be in Blue color

Inactive employees should be in Red color

The Close X icon will be available at the top of the screen and upon clicking this icon this Active Employee tab will be closed and login screen will be appeared. In Active Employee screen, the Sorting option will be available for all the column as explained below

Employee Name: Sorting will be from A-Z or Z-A

Status: Sorting will be from A-Z or Z-A

Role: Sorting will be from A-Z or Z-A

Time Card: Numerical Sorting either small to big or big to small numbers

Paid Breaks: Numerical Sorting either small to big or big to small numbers

Unpaid Breaks: Numerical Sorting either small to big or big to small numbers

Total Breaks: Numerical Sorting either small to big or big to small numbers

Total Worked/Paid: Numerical Sorting either small to big or big to small numbers

In All tab, the details such as Current Date and Time will be displayed at the top of the screen, Search bar and in the table the below details will be displayed.

Employee Name: The employee name will be displayed here

Status: The status of the employees will be listed here such as In Break (displays the type of break, time period along with the break type(paid/unpaid)) and if this break is initiated by Manager then the Manager name will be displayed, In Shift (this denotes the employee working currently), Inactive (maybe the employee is on leave or not logged in)

Role: This denotes the employee’s role (incase of dual role, the recent role will be displayed)

Time Cards: This shows how many role’s are carried by this employee (role count)

Paid Breaks: This displays the total paid break count along with its time duration

Unpaid Breaks: This displays the total unpaid break count along with its time duration

Total Breaks: This shows the sum of the Paid and Unpaid Breaks.

Total Worked/Paid: This shows the overall total worked hour includes the unpaid break hours and paid hours

In the bottom of the screen, the user will be able to view the Cancel button. Upon clicking on the Cancel button, the screen will navigate to the login screen.

In All sub tab, when employee is in Inactive state then only the Employee Name and Status will be displayed and all the remaining columns will be empty.

In On Shift and On Break sub tab, all the columns will be denoted with the respective data’s.

In Inactive sub tab, only the Employee Name and Status will be displayed and all the remaining columns will be empty.

Note: All the column’s data’s will be populated based on the employee/manager actions that took place for each timecard (based on real time entries).

Employee Expanded

Upon expanding any employee (clicking on + sign), the below screen will be displayed where the elaborated details of the particular employee will be shown

Here, the Time Card 1 and Time Card 2 denotes the dual role performed by that employee. From the above example, the Clock-in and Clock-out time for Time Card 1 will be 2:00am and 8:00am respectively where the paid break, unpaid break, total break and total worked/paid will be displayed. If manager wants to edit Time Card 1 then he should click on Edit option near Time Card 1 and this edit will be possible only for that particular day itself.

The Time Clock will work based on the Close Day functionality. When Close Day is made, then manager cannot able to edit the timings in manager screen (editing can be done in BO when close day is made for the previous day). After the close day is made, the page will be refreshed.

The Time Card 2 shows the Active Role for this employee i.e., the employee is working currently in this shift. Here, the Clock-in time for that employee is displayed and the employee is not yet clocked-out (shows that employee is working currently) and the paid break, unpaid break, total break and total worked/paid will be displayed.


For the same role when employee Clock-In and takes the configured break (rest break, meal break) and then Clock-Out and now again the employee Clock-In for this same role then these 2 configured breaks should be displayed in the employee screen. Only the employee will be able to do Clock-In and Clock-Out alone. If employee does not take any break in the first clock-in and clock-out then the break can be shown in the second clock-in and clock-out for that employee for the same role.

Below the employee, all the breaks for that shift will be displayed such as and this will be populated based on the BO configuration

Break: This shows the total number of break details (paid and unpaid) and its duration.

Paid/Unpaid: This shows the Break Type.

Start Time: This displays the break start time

End Time: This displays the break end time

By default, the start time and end time will be empty and if break taken by the employee then the timing will be updated and if break initiated by manager then the manager should enter the break timing for that respective employee.

Duration: This shows the break duration (how much the employee took the break). This will be calculated based on the break start time and end time.


Break In

Break Start Time

Break Out

End Time









When clock-in alone is made



Start Time reflects when employee takes break


Empty (since break has not been ended)


When break start time is initiated by employee



Start Time reflects when employee takes break


End Time reflects when employee ends the break


when break is started and ended by an employee



Start Time reflects when employee takes break


End Time reflects when employee ends the break


Day completes



Start Time reflects when employee takes break


End time reflects when Manager ends the break (manually edited by manager)


Break started by employee and ends by manager



Start Time reflects when manager takes break


End time reflects when employee ends the break (manually edited by manager)


Break started by manager and ends by manager



Start Time reflects when manager takes break


End time reflects when Manager ends the break


Break started and ended by manager



Start Time reflects when employee takes break


Manager will be able to edit the end time when employee ends the break early


Early break


The Clock-In and Clock-Out can be either started and by employee or manager

When employee takes any break in and break out that timing will be updated and also when manager initiate any break in and break out then those timing will also be updated here.

The Edit option will be available and the user will be able to edit the time for any break (meal break, rest break – start and end time) including the Clock-in and Clock-out time.

Here, the user will be able to add as many Time Card if required.

The Break-Out timing should not be greater than Clock-In timing and Break-In timing should lesser than Clock-Out timing. When manager enters the break details manually this should be taken care and the system should validate this timing and here error message should be displayed as “You have entered the  . The Clock-Out timing should not overlap with the break-in timing and Clock-In timing should not overlap with the break-out timing i.e., the break start and end timing should be within Clock-In and Clock-Out timing.

In the bottom of the screen, the user will be able to view the Cancel button. Upon clicking on the Cancel button, the screen will navigate to the login screen.


Editing Time Card 1

When Edit is clicked by the Manager then the below screen will be displayed

Here, the user will be able to choose the role and then click on edit option and upon clicking the below screen will be displayed

Name: Time Card name will be displayed

Clock In: This Clock-In option will be editable and shows the clock-in timing

Clock Out: This Clock-Out option will be editable and shows the clock-out timing. In the above scenario, the clock-out has not been made.

Total Worked/Paid: This displays the total working hours including paid break and excluding paid break(unpaid break).

The user will be able to Add Paid Break and Add Unpaid Break in the manager screen in addition to the existing break (this is configured in BO)additional break can be configured here i.e., if manager wants to give additional Rest Break then click on the Add Unpaid Break and the below line item will be appeared and user will be able to choose the Rest Break from the drop-down and then the break will be added. In case, manager wants to delete any break then click on the Delete icon at the end of each break.

Here, all the breaks for that shift will be displayed such as

Break Name: This shows the break name and its duration which will be selected from the drop-down

Paid/Unpaid: This shows the Break Type

Start Time: This displays the break start time (user can edit this start time)

End Time: This displays the break end time (user can edit this end time)

Duration: This shows the break duration (how much the employee took the break)

Here, the Delete icon is displayed and if user wants to delete any break then upon clicking on this icon the break will be deleted.

The overall DeleteCancel and Save option will be available. When Delete option is clicked, the overall Time Card will be deleted, when Cancel option is clicked, the overall changes made in this Time Card will not be made and when Save option is clicked, the whole changes will be saved.

In the bottom of the screen, the user will be able to view the Cancel button. Upon clicking on the Cancel button, the screen will navigate to the login screen.

For eg: when user click on Edit option and then click on any time i.e., from the below screen the user edits the Clock-In timing for the employee and then click on Save option.

Total Worked/Paid: This displays the total working hours including paid break and excluding paid break(unpaid break).

The user will be able to Add Paid Break and Add Unpaid Break in the manager screen in addition to the existing break (this is configured in BO)additional break can be configured here i.e., if manager wants to give additional Rest Break then click on the Add Unpaid Break and the below line item will be appeared and user will be able to choose the Rest Break from the drop-down and then the break will be added. In case, manager wants to delete any break then click on the Delete icon at the end of each break.

If user deletes any Time Card then click on Delete option at the right side of the screen and upon clicking on Delete option, the below screen will be appeared stating that Are you sure to delete Time Card 2? Along with Yes and Cancel button. When Yes is clicked, the time card will be deleted and when Cancel is clicked, then no changes occurs.

Add New Time Card

When user click on Add Time Card option, the below screen will be displayed where the user will be able to enter all the details manually such as Clock-In, Clock-Out will be calculated based on the employee clock-out, Total Worked/Paid. Here, no break records will be found since the role has not been chosen yet (when role is chosen then the break will be pre-populated based on the BO settings).

The user will be bale to Add Paid Break and Add Unpaid Break in the manager screen (new break will be added here as well as in BO)

The overall Cancel and Save option will be available. When Cancel option is clicked, the overall changes made in this Time Card will not be made and when Save option is clicked, the whole changes will be saved.

In the bottom of the screen, the user will be able to view the Cancel button. Upon clicking on the Cancel button,



        The breaks initiated by the manager will be displayed and also breaks that are taken by the respective employees will be listed.

        The user will be able to edit any of the duration/timing for that particular day (even the clock-out is made) by clicking on Edit option (start time & end time / clock-in & clock-out)

        The breaks that are created in BO will be listed and those break names cannot be edit rather the time/duration will be edited.

        Based on the time, the duration will be calculated and displayed.

        The Manager will be able to edit only the Present Day employee details alone.

        Based on the Clock-In & Clock-Out and Break In & Break Out, the employee payroll report will work (employee work duration will be calculated)

        When employee works in dual role then he will be able to take the break that is configured for Specific Employee/Specific Roles.

        The Paid break will be considered for payroll and only the unpaid breaks will not be considered here i.e., Working hours along with paid break will be considered. The Automatic tip sharing will consider this total worked hours along with the paid break will be considered.

        In Employee Payroll Report, the impacted reports are Attendance, Role Based Payroll and Labor by Job Code where the Total Hours will be impacted.

        In Roles, when there is a change in the role name then that should be reflected in the break settings. Eg: Role: Server is changed as “Servers”, then in the Payroll Settings>> Configured Breaks for the Role Server should be changed as Servers and it should function as-in process.

        When employee break time exceeds the duration limit i.e., for Paid Break, the configured duration is 10 mins and if employee takes the break for 20 mins then the 10 mins will be included in Paid break hours and the remaining 10 mins will be included in the unpaid break hours separately (separate line item) apart from configured Unpaid Break.

        Change InActive as Not In Shift in all the screens.

Provision to add Effective Date for Break-In and Break-Out should be included in BO.

When user add multiple breaks in BO and choose the effective date then the break in and out will work according to that configured date.

When user add multiple breaks in BO and change the configuration in BO after some time in BO i.e., changing the effective date lately, then from that effective date on this break in and out will follows.

Note: While changing the effective date then there should be condition that effective date should not be the current date rather it should be next date onwards.

Back Office Report

New Report

Page Navigation: My Store>> Reports>> Employee>> Break In/Out

Filters: Employee, Break Name, Time Period and Active/Inactive toggle.

Include Export options such as Export as Excel, Export as CSV and Export as PDF.






Meal Break (Paid Break)






Start Time

End time


Rest Break (Unpaid Break)

Others (Unpaid Break)

Total Paid Break (HH:MM)

Start Time

End time


Start Time

End time



Total UnPaid Break (HH:MM)

Overall Break

Total Paid Hours




The Total Paid Hours in Break Report will be same in the Attendance, Role based payroll and Labor by Job Code in Total Hours column and based on this Total Hours only the pay will be calculated for the employees.

Even if the break is inactivated, it should reflect in the report till the active date of the break. Later, the user can be able to active it.

Create Breaks

Implementation in Back Office

New Sub Tab – Manage Break

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Settings >> Employee Setting >>Payroll Setting >> Manage Break

A new sub tab Manager Break must be available for the user next to Payroll settings sub-tab.

Here, the user will be able to view the Break Name (Name of the break), Status (Shows Active or Inactive state), Payroll Type (Paid or Unpaid), Duration (duration of the break) and Actions (delete takes place)

Upon clicking on “New Break”, the user can be able to create new break for the employees and the screen is shown below.


In New Break, the below details will be available

Break Name: In Break Name, by default Rest Break, Meal Break and Others should be denoted in drop-down.

Payroll Type: The two radio buttons are available for the user as Paid and Unpaid.

Upon choosing Paid option, the break will be payable.

Upon choosing Unpaid option, the break will be non-payable.

Effective Date: When break is chosen, the effective date should be provided and from this effective date onwards this break will be applicable.

Note: While changing the effective date then there should be condition that effective date should not be the current date rather it should be next date onwards.

Duration in minutes: The user will be able to enter the duration for the break.

Applies To: Here, the three-radio button will be available for the user as All EmployeesSpecific Roles and Specific Employees.

When All Employees are chosen, then this break will be applied for all the employees.

When Specific Roles are chosen, then this break will be applied for some specific roles and that roles will be listed and user can select the roles here (can be able to select more than one role)

When Specific Employees are chosen, then this break will be applied for some specific employees and user can select the employees here (can be able to select more than one employees)

After adding all the details, click on “Add Break” option. Upon clicking on “Add Break” option, the break will be listed in the main screen of the Manage Break screen.

Forced Punch-In/Punch-Out

Page Navigation: My Store>> User management >>Forced Punch-In/Out>>Employee Clock-In

If Break has not been captured either by Employees, then Manager will be able to apply break manually in Forced Punch-In/Out>>Employee Clock-In. Here, at first the user will be able to choose the Employee and then perform the action.

Here, the user will be able to add New break by clicking on “New Break” option. Upon clicking this option, the user will be able to add new break as shown below.

The user will be able to fill the options such as,

Select Break: Here, the user will be able to select the break that are already pre-defined and upon elaborating the breaks will be listed and user can choose the appropriate break.

Break Clock-In: The user will be able to choose the Clock-In time for taking break (break opening time)

Break Clock-Out: The user will be able to choose the Clock-Out time for taking break (break closing time)

Reason: Enter the reason for Forced Break Punch In & Punch Out.

Finally, click on “Add Break” option then this break will be added in the main Break screen of Clock-In Event (Forced Break Punch In & Punch Out screen).

The sample screen is shown below. In Breaks, the Break Name (name of the break), Break Type (paid or unpaid break), Break Duration (length of the break), Break Clock-In (break opening time), Break Clock-Out (break closing time), Reason and Controls (edit and delete option will be available) will be available in tabular view.

Finally, click on “Save” option. Upon saving, this break will be applied manually.

Forced Punch-In and Punch-Out Report

In this Report, the new columns will be included newly as follows as Date, In Time, Out Time, Breaks, Adjusted By,

Break Name: The break name will be displayed here

Break Type: Displays Paid break or unpaid break

Break Duration: The length of the break will be shown here

Break Clock-In: The user can be able to choose the Clock-In time for taking break (break opening time)

Break Clock-Out: The user can be able to choose the Clock-Out time for taking break (break closing time)

Controls: Here, the edit and delete option will be available for the user.

When user delete any break, it should be changed as Inactive.

Time Clock Log



Date & Time



Adjusted by


Employee Clock-In



Out Time

Total Break (HH:MM)

Break Name

Break Type

Break  In

Break  Out

Break Duration

Adjusted By













Attendance Report

Include new column in Attendance report as Total Unpaid Breaks (in Hrs) and only unpaid breaks hours will be shown.


Page Navigation: My Store>> User Management>> Roles>> Add New Role>> POS Operations>> TimeClock

The Role Based privilege should be provided for the Manager or other role who is going to access the Employee Details.

When this TimeClock toggle is enabled, then the particular role can be able to access the time clock details (break, meal, clock-in, clock-out details) for all the employees in that store.

When this toggle is disabled, then no changes (the screen should not be visible for that user in POS).

When user fails to do Clock-Out or Break-Out and when Auto-Close Day toggle is disabled, then that particular users hour will be continued for the next day too. In order to overcome this scenario, we should make Close all active employees’ toggle (Enable by default) when get confirmation before Close the Day toggle is disabled. And if someone wants to disable it, they can disable.

Note: This will be applicable for the merchants who are using Auto Close Day (by default, the toggle should be enabled).

When merchant using manual day close then this toggle should be disabled.

When merchant using Auto Close Day toggle enabled and manual is disabled and if user fails to do Clock-Out or Break-Out then the notifications should be send to the Manager and Employee >> My Store>> Settings>> Store>> Notification>> Time Clock. Here, the user will be able to enter the email id and phone number to send SMS.


When POS is in offline, the user should be able to do clock in/clock out, break in/break out in the particular ipad only (as like in batch process) and will not consider when clock in/clock out, break in/break out are made from other ipad and this will be considered for reporting and payroll purpose.

The new drop-down option should be available in Application Settings as Clock-In/Clock-Out Terminal, where all the ipad devices will be listed and user can select based on their preference.

“Clock-In/Clock-Out Terminal”

When breaks are available and if user clicks on Clock-out option and again when user logins then the break will be ended along with Clock-Out.

Also, the breaks are not mandatory and if user fails to take any break then manually manager can apply breaks in BO, without taking break, the user can click on Clock-out option.

When ipad is in online and if breaks are taken in multiple ipad then it should be considered as one (eg. If break out start in ipad 1---then if user logins in ipad 2 it should show break in in 2nd ipad) and once completed (breakout) then even the same user logins in ipad 3 then the should be completed in ipad 3.

When user works in dual role, then the user selects the particular role and make the timeclock action for that role (as-in process).


Changes Given by Partner after Demo:

Back office:

1.There must be separate toggle-based view for active and inactive breaks

·         In Manage Break, there should be active and inactive options based on the Break in/out should be filters

·         Also, Status column should be removed from the Manage Breaks table

2.In the break-in/out report, if column is empty for all employees then respective column should not be shown

·         In Break In/out report, Only defined break(If only paid and Unpaid breaks are defined) then in report it should show only Paid and Unpaid columns.

3.Break duration in all reports should indicate the duration of the break taken by the employee & not the duration configured in the system



4.In P&I>>Reasons>Break Reasons (new sub tab) should be displayed with option to add break reasons.

Page Navigation: My Store>> Product/Item>> Reasons>>Break in/Out

There should be new Reason Break in/out where it should have type, Reason and Control options.


There is should be two type

·         Break In

·         Break Out

Reasons: It should be Free Text, where it should be accept maximum of 25 characters.

Control: Edit and Delete options.

5.This configured break reason must be viewable in force break-in /out screen in BO and also in POS when manager ends the break early the reason must be selected from dropdown

6.This break reason is mandate field in both BO and POS

Changes in POS:

1.In manager view -For active time card- Role field must be static, remove the dropdown

2.In manager view -For active time card -There must be additional end button, to end the break and the same time should be considered for reporting basis.

3.In manager view -For active time card -There must be Reasons drop down (Configured in BO>>P&I>>Reasons>>Break Reasons).This is mandate field and whenever break is adjusted reason must be given .Reason will be mandate field.

(Reasons will be available for breaks completed /Breaks not started).

4.When end break button or end break time is given then a pop up must appear "Would you like to add similar break " Yes or No. Yes -Will end the existing break & will recreate the break. No-Will end the break

Note: Apart from this when end break button is given or end break time is given the break should automatically end and the clock-in time should be considered

5.New login should work based on the theme selection (Design to be shared)

Cloud POS Customers:


        In POS, application should not allow to enter the Future time in the time card

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